The Magicks of Megas-Tu (episode)

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“The Magicks of Megas-Tu”
Star Trek: The Animated Series  Episode
Caption here
Date14 Mar 2264  (Terran)
LocationUSS Enterprise
Earth (illusion)
QuadrantsAlpha  •  Galactic core
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While investigating the theory of creation, the Enterprise is caught inside an energy/matter tornado. After emerging from the storm, the crew encounter a world where magic works and science doesn't.

Summary[edit | edit source]

"Captain's log, stardate 1254.4. For years scientists have theorized that if our galaxy was created from a great explosion then the center of the galaxy might still be creating new matter. The Enterprise is now on a science mission to investigate. It's an awesome thought that we may actually witness matter being created."

The Enterprise was sent on a scientific mission to find the creation point, an area in the galactic core where matter was being created. Upon arrival, the starship was caught in what Spock described as a matter-energy whirlwind and thrown into an alternate universe. All of the ship's computers and systems began to fail, and the crew started to lose consciousness due to the lack of oxygen.

Suddenly, a red-skinned humanoid with small horns on his head and calling himself Lucien appeared on the bridge. He repaired the systems and welcomed the crew as if they were old friends, but preached caution. He took Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to his planet, Megas-Tu, where he explained to them that Megas-Tu was not governed by the same physical laws as their own universe and that magic thrived here. He then sent them back to the Enterprise, seeming afraid that someone might discover them.

"Captain's log, supplemental. In this incredible universe it appears to be part of the natural laws that belief is as potent a force as energy and matter are in our own."

Back on board, some of the crew began experimenting with magic, starting with Spock. It was discovered by the crew that in this universe, belief is as real as matter and energy. Spock explored these new abilities by drawing a mystic symbol on the floor, and while standing in it, used the power of his belief to move a Vulcan chess piece; and Sulu used magic to conjure up a beautiful woman. Lucien reappeared, telling them that using these mental powers would attract unwanted attention. His warning was too late – the Megans had noticed the activity and arrived in non-corporeal form on the Enterprise.

The crew was transported to what appeared to be Salem, Massachusetts, in what seemed to be the middle of a witch trial. The prosecutor, Asmodeus, explained that the Megans had gone to Earth many years prior in search of companions (as there were no other lifeforms in their own universe who practiced magic), but they were met with hatred and fear, and eventually driven out, accused of witchcraft. The remaining few gathered together, and combining their powers, were able to return to Megas-Tu.

At the trial, Spock volunteers to speak in defense of the Humans, since he was not from Earth. Kirk also explained how much Humanity has grown since 1691, trying to accept all forms of life with an open mind. Kirk invited Asmodeus to view the ship's computer, which convinced him that Humanity has changed, and that they should go free.

"A toast to a new friendship!"

However, the Megans were now putting Lucien on trial for bringing evil to their planet, since they expected that the Enterprise would bring more Humans to their world. Lucien's punishment would be condemnation to Limbo for eternity. Spock and Kirk defended Lucien's actions, but their words did nothing to convince the court. Seeing no other course of action, Kirk used magic himself, against Asmodeus, in defense of Lucien, despite the knowledge that he could not win. He explained that the Megans were in danger of becoming like the Humans they so feared. Despite the knowledge that Lucien was the inspiration, or even the embodiment of Lucifer, Kirk continued to defend him, stating that he would give his life to save Lucien. This impressed the Megans, and they gave Lucien his freedom.

The Megans told Kirk that, if any other Humans make it to their planet, they will be welcomed, and the Enterprise was returned to its proper universe. McCoy asks Kirk if he believes that Lucien was really Lucifer. Kirk asks if that really matters, but Spock tells the captain that it may be significant, as this would be the second time Lucifer was cast out. However, thanks to Kirk, it would be the first time he was saved.

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The Infinite Vulcan
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