Template:Fooian fooers/doc

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Displays standardized category navigation for occupations and nationalities, required by Starfleet Logistics:Category names#Occupation.

This template should be avoided on categories not diffused by nationality, e.g. Arab, Bengali, Carniolan, Guadeloupean fooers. Note that geographic categories should in general use the People from Foo format, as required by Starfleet Logistics:Category names#Residence.

Usage[edit source]

Most commonly used parameters in horizontal format

Simplest case {Fooian fooers |Profession= |Nationality= |Country= }}

For a profession which is a subset of another profession {Fooian fooers |Profession= |Nationality= |Country= |Supercategory= }}

For a profession which is an intersection of two other professions {Fooian fooers |Profession= |Nationality= |Country= |Supercategory= |Supercategory2= }}

All parameters, vertical format
{{Fooian fooers
 | Profession = 
 | Nationality = 
 | Country = 
 | Supercategory = 
 | Supercategory2 = 

Full parameter set in vertical format
Vertical list Prerequisites Brief instructions / notes
{Fooian fooers
 | Profession           = 
 | Nationality          = 
 | Country              = 
 | Supercategory        = 
 | Supercategory2       = 
The occupation, e.g. "film score composers"
The nationality, for example "Irish"
The country, for example "Ireland"
An occupation of which this is a sub-category, e.g. "film people"
Another occupation of which this is a sub-category, e.g. "composers"
  • If a field name is listed in the Prerequisites column, it is a prerequisite for the field to the left.

Categories[edit source]

Adds a pair of standard parent categories:

  • [[Category:Nationality people by occupation|Profession]]
  • [[Category:Profession by nationality|Nationality]]

If the "Supercategory" parameter is used, the following categories will be generated instead:

  • [[Category:Nationality people by occupation|Profession]]
  • [[Category:Supercategory by nationality|Nationality]]

If the "Supercategory2" parameter is also used, the following categories will be generated instead:

  • [[Category:Nationality people by occupation|Profession]]
  • [[Category:Supercategory by nationality|Nationality]]
  • [[Category:Supercategory2 by nationality|Nationality]]

Self-checking[edit source]

The template tests for the existence of [[Category:Profession by nationality]] or [[Category:Supercategory by nationality]] or [[Category:Supercategory2 by nationality]], and alters its output as follows:

  1. If the "Supercategory" parameter is supplied, but [[Category:Supercategory by nationality]] does not exist, then [[Category:Supercategory]] will be used instead)
  2. If the "Supercategory" and "Supercategory2" parameters are both supplied, but neither [[Category:Supercategory by nationality]] nor [[Category:Supercategory2 by nationality]] exists, then [[Category:Supercategory]] will be used instead)
  3. When neither the "Supercategory" or "Supercategory2" parameters supplied, the template tests for the existence of [[Category:Profession by nationality]]. If that does not exist, then [[Category:Profession]] will be used instead)

Examples[edit source]

Example from Category:American writers:

{{Fooian fooers |Profession=Writers |Nationality=American |Country=United States}}

Supercategory[edit source]

The Supercategory parameter allows another category to be added between the "nationality people by occupation" and this occupation category. This for occupations which are a subset of another ocupation.

Example from Category:American diarists:

{{Fooian fooers |Profession=Diarists |Supercategory=Writers |Nationality=American |Country=United States}}

Example from Category:Irish autobiographers:

{{Fooian fooers |Profession=Autobiographers |Nationality=Irish | Country=Ireland |Supercategory=Biographers}}

Example from Category:German civil engineers:

{{Fooian fooers |Profession=civil engineers |Nationality=German |Country=Germany |Supercategory=engineers}}

Supercategory2[edit source]

The Supercategory2 parameter is for use when an occupation is an intersection of two other occupations.

Example from Category:British film score composers:

{{fooian fooers |Profession=Film score composers |Nationality=British |Supercategory=film people |Supercategory2=composers |Country=United Kingdom}}

Example from Category:Irish magazine editors:

{{Fooian fooers |Profession=magazine editors |Nationality=Irish |Country=Ireland |Supercategory=editors |Supercategory2=magazine people}}

Substitution[edit source]

In most cases, should not be substituted.

Please note that this template may need to be modified for some categories, because some nationalities are listed as "People of Foo" instead of "Fooian". One such case is Northern Ireland: see {{Fooers from Northern Ireland}}

In other instances, the template may be substituted and edited in place.

See also[edit source]

External links[edit source]