CSBH federal item identification guide code

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CSBH is the Federation Item Identification Guide code for the “Voltage in volts and current type” specification.

Definition The total electrical voltage, expressed in volts, and the type of current whether alternating or direct.
Instructions Reply Instructions: Enter the applicable Reply Code from the table below, followed by the numeric value.
Note If Reply Code AC is entered, reply to MRCs FAAZ and FREQ
Table 1
Code Defintion
AC Alternating current
DC Direct current

Examples[edit source]

Stand-alone formats
This →   {{CSBH-FIIG-code/designation | AC220 }}   renders as →   220 V AC
This →   {{CSBH-FIIG-code/designation | DC120 }}   renders as →   120 V DC
In “Technical Characteristics” table formats
This →   {{specification-table row | CSBH | AC220 }}   and;
This →   {{specification-table row | CSBH | DC120 }}   renders as:
Code Specification Designation
CSBH Voltage in volts and current type 220 V AC
CSBH Voltage in volts and current type 120 V DC