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Template that formats magazine calls via the templates that use it:

Usage[edit source]

Name options
{{STC}} = Star Trek: Communicator
{{STOFC}} = Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine
{{STOFCUK}} = Star Trek: The Official Fan Club of the UK Magazine
{{STTM}} = Star Trek: The Magazine
{{STM}} = Star Trek Magazine and the old name Star Trek Monthly
{{STNG}} = The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine
{{STDS9}} = The Official Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Magazine
{{STV}} = The Official Star Trek: Voyager Magazine

Examples[edit source]


Star Trek: Communicator issue 100


Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine issue 1


Star Trek: The Official Fan Club of the UK Magazine issue 1

{{mag|name=stofcuk|vol=July 1997}}

Star Trek: The Official Fan Club of the UK Magazine July 1997


Star Trek: The Magazine Test Issue 1


Star Trek: The Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1


Star Trek Monthly issue 110


Star Trek Magazine issue 111, p. 17


The Official Star Trek: The Next Generation Magazine issue 2

External links[edit source]