Ships of the Star Fleet - Volume One/Preface
Preface[edit | edit source]
This one hundred and third edition of Ships of the Star Fleet continues the long tradition of this publication by providing a significantly greater amount of data on the vessels of the Star Fleet than any other reference work. The variety of information available on Class One Fleet unitss – their defense and navigation systems, weapon installations, enginery, performance specifications, builder – is expanded further with this current edition, which also continues the effort begun with the ninety-seventh edition to provide an improved order of coverage of the United Federation of Planets Star Fleet. (A similar format has been adopted for the reference work Guide to the Klingon Fleet, also available from Defense Forces Institute.)
The buildup of the Star Fleet Operating Forces that is currently underway (and the corresponding increase in the number of Class One ship types to be examined) has made it pessary for the first time to divide this publication into three volumes. Installments two and three of Ships will provide additional coverage on various small craft; Star Fleet organization, TacFleet, the Rapid Deployment Force, the [Star Fleet Reserve Force]], and the numerous shipyards currently engaged in Star Fleet programs. All of these are of major importance to the effectiveness of Star Fleet.
The information in this reference work is organized to enable the reader to quickly locate the data desired. The individual vessel listings (which appear in chart form) display a ship's current navigational contact code number, name, builder (or alternately "converted" if the shipyard performed specifications uprating work only), date the ship's keel was laid (or alternately the date of commissioning (or recommissioning) into the Fleet, and current status, respectively. The reader is reminded that "launch" dates do not necessarily refer to the date a particular vessel was completed, but instead to the point at which the ship[ was able to leave the dry dock facility under its own power. Also, "commission" dates do not take into account a vessel's shipyard post-shakedown availability (PSA) schedule, which takes place between eight and ten months after delivery (and is usually between two and three months long). Terran local calendar dates are used where applicable; standard star dates are used in all other instances.
The ship status codes used here were chosen to assist the reader in quickly identifying a vessel's current posture and general operating area. (The Official Star Fleet Vessel Register uses a more detailed - and complex - method.) The boldface A is used to indicate any ship currently in active service. (Ships on temporary operational stand down or those in port for short-term maintenance are listed as active.) This designation is followed by the ship's primary assigned mission territory, categorized by subquadrant (or quadrant). Thus, a listing appears as A1N (active, subquadrant one north), A2S (active, subquadrant two south), AO (active, quadrant zero), etc. The boldface ATRA indicates a ship currently serving as a line training vessel; such a ship may, at times, be assigned to one of the Star Fleet Academies for service on rotation as a midshipman training vessel. The status code ATAC indicates a vessel; under the operational jurisdiction of TacFleet. (Ships assigned to service with the Rapid Deployment Force are not indicated as such since this is a short-term, rotational assignment.) The status note "Converted" indicates a vessel that has been uprated and is currently listed as a member of another class. Ships undergoing long-term overhaul or damage repair (but not conversion) are indicated by the term "Yard." The status not "Lost" indicates a vessel lost in the line of duty. Additional notations are "Reserve" (for ships assigned to the Star Fleet Reserve Force), "Building," "Planned," and "Decommissioned."
The illustrations accompanying most starship sections represent the distinctive insignia of those starship classes. These are not to be confused with individual vessel insignia, which vary from ship to ship. (Some examples of these are also included.) Serving as a somewhat limited identifying device, each insignia is unique to the starship class for which for which approved and is depicted as it currently appears. Where no illustration is present, no insignia had been approved as of the date of publication.
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Additionally, some unauthorized distinctive insignia are included because they are routinely displayed by ships of a particular class even though they have not been approved by the Bureau of Spacecraft, Star Fleet Command. Such insignia are always labeled as "unauthorized."
This edition contains a specialized appendix detailing internal features of the Belknap (CS 2501)-class strike cruisers. This material is in response to many requests, partially from non-Federation readers, for more of a perspective on the current capabilities and components of Class One Star Fleet vessels. This information on the Belknap class is current through the date of publication (February 2290, Terran); however, the reader is encouraged to consult various sources since individual vessel configurations vary considerably and certain data is restricted under Star Fleet classification ratings (and is therefore unavailable).
The publishers of this 103rd edition of Ships of the Star Fleet are indebted to many individuals and organizations for helping with its preparation. Chief among these are Huss Randon, former director of the Star Fleet Office of Procurement, and Sir Kyle Greenleaf, former head of the Naval Construction Contracts Board. Timpthy Farrar and Cols Freerson, publishers of Defensik Ononduk (Defense Profile), have also been extremely helpful.
A large amount of the data necessary for the formation of the starship configurations contained in the edition was provided by our longtime associate, E. Van Skjolder. In addition, much of the material of Del Vyrsta, William Bratlaw, and Jonathan Kars and AMya Stalt (outstanding space flight imagers) was invaluable in determining the current arrangement and individual modification status of Star Fleet vessels.
The detailed information on the USS Belknap was prepared by Makita Recamier for the publication Starship Tactics.
Among the many individuals who have contributed valuable information to this edition are Benton Carlisle, Chief of Information at Matramel Ltd.; Drespi Sorah of Rapier Dynamics Group; Lt. Douglas Prescott, Office of Public Relations, Starbase 17; Lt. Cmdr. Cameron Elsworth, USS Swift; H. Marie Sartell of Litton-Sedeco Shipbuilding; Dorn Winston and Allen Davies of Rodriquez Ingenieria; Cmdr. [[Warren G. Alder] of Superscout Development Group 1; Lt. Cmdr. Julian E. Rypkos, Reveria Squadron, Starbase 21; William C. Guiss, editor of Federation Merchantman; Frederic Bosch of Hycor Defense Systems; Justin Haleford, Star Fleet Systems Command; Minas Prentel and Kusi Itega of Starship Interstellar; Alaric Montoja of Prentice-Schafer/Terran Division; Rear Admiral Joseph Keliher, Chief of Star Fleet Research; Commodore Richard E. Chang, commander, Starbase 9; Rear Admiral Roane C. Austin, Asst. Cmdr. for Logistics and Fleet Support; Suvish Kaln, Research and Development, Ag Murpeth; Commodore C. Paul Steele, Tactical Readiness Division, TacFleet; Malatin Ortai of the Advanced Systems Division, Cochrane Warp Dynamics; Capt. Y. C. Lujik, USS Repulse; Lt. Lyle Gevins, Helicon Squadron, Star Station Praeses; and Curtis T. Vieck, director, Strike Cruiser Development Project.
Special thanks go to Rear Admiral Aridas Sofia of the Star Fleet Bureau of Operations for his invaluable and timely assistance.
Finally, this reference work could not have been completed without the continued support and assistance of Carlson Rentee, director of the Defense Forces Institute; Jenifer Symms, editor for the hard-copy: format of this publication; and Carolann Leviere, personal assistant to the compilation staff.
The second and third installments of this edition of Ships of the Star Fleet are scheduled for publication in April and June (2290), respectively. Compilation of the 104th edition (Terran calendar 2291) has already begun, and comments or additional data are welcome. Information or material should be directed to the Defense Forces Institute, Northeast Colonialdome, Bay Colony Centroplex, United Americas, Earth.
Calon Riel
February 2290
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