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This module implements templates and miscellaneous functions for templates that rely on Module:Lang but are properly not part of that module.

{{in lang}}
functions for templates
set_italics() (exported function) and is_cjk_code() (private to this module) – used in {{Infobox book}}

External links[edit source]


require ('Module:No globals');

--[[--------------------------< I S _ C J K >------------------------------------------------------------------

return true if code is one of the listed Chinese, Japanese, Korean ISO 639 codes, false else.


local function is_cjk_code (code)
local cjk =
		['zh'] = true, ['cdo'] = true, ['cjy'] = true, ['cmn'] = true,			-- Chinese language codes
		['cpi'] = true, ['cpx'] = true, ['czh'] = true, ['czo'] = true,
		['gan'] = true, ['hak'] = true, ['hsn'] = true, ['ltc'] = true,
		['lzh'] = true, ['mnp'] = true, ['nan'] = true, ['och'] = true,
		['wuu'] = true, ['yue'] = true, ['zhx'] = true,
		['ja'] = true, ['jpx'] = true, ['ojp'] = true,							-- Japanese language codes
		['ko'] = true, ['okm'] = true, ['oko'] = true,							-- Korean language codes

	return cjk[code] or false;

--[[--------------------------< S E T _ I T A L I C S >--------------------------------------------------------

Created for use with Template:Infobox book and Template:Infobox document and perhaps others to replace hard-coded
italic markup in the call to {{lang}}.  This module attempts to make sure that {{lang}} correctly applies italic
markup according to MOS:FOREIGNITALIC.  


local function set_italics (frame)
	local code = frame.args[1] or frame.args['code'] or '';						-- empty string causes 'yes' return; {{lang}} will handle the missing code error
	local text = frame.args[2] or frame.args['text'] or '';						-- empty string causes 'yes' return; {{lang}} will handle the missing text error
	local is_latn = require ("Module:Unicode data").is_Latin;
	if is_cjk_code (code) and not is_latn (text) then							-- is_latn() is in Module:Lang
		return  'no';															-- only case for 'no' 
	return 'yes';																-- everything else is yes

--[[--------------------------< I N _ L A N G >----------------------------------------------------------------

implements {{in lang}}

Module entry point from an {{#invoke:lang/utilities/sanbox|in_lang|<code>|<code2>|<code3>|<code...>|link=yes|template=Link language}}

<span class="languageicon">(in <language>)</span>


local function in_lang (frame)
	local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
	local args = getArgs(frame);
	local list = {};
	local cats = {};
	if not args[1] then
		local template = (args['template'] and table.concat ({'{{', args['template'], '}}: '})) or '';	-- make template name (if provided by the template)
		return table.concat ({'<span style=\"font-size:100%; font-style:normal;\" class=\"error\">error: ', template, 'missing language tag</span>'});

	local module = 'Module:Lang' .. (frame:getTitle():match ('/sandbox') or '');	-- if this module is the sandbox,
	local name_from_tag = require (module)._name_from_tag;						-- use Module:Lang/sandbox; Module:Lang else

	local namespace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace;						-- used for categorization
	local this_wiki_lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage().code;				-- get this wiki's language code

	for i, lang in ipairs (args) do
		local t = {args[i], ['link'] = args['link'], ['template'] = args['template']};	-- build an 'args' table
		lang = name_from_tag (t)												-- get the language name
		table.insert (list, lang)												-- add this language or error message to the list

		if lang:find ('error') or (this_wiki_lang == args[i]) or (0 ~= namespace) then	-- for these, no categorization
			if lang:match ('%[%[.-|.-%]%]') then								-- wikilinked individual language
				lang = lang:match ('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]');
			elseif lang:match ('%[%[.-%]%]') then								-- wikilinked collective languages
				lang = lang:match ('%[%[(.-)%]%]');
			end																	-- neither of these then plain text language

			if lang:find ('languages') then
				table.insert (cats, table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with ', lang, '-collective sources (', args[i], ')]]'}));
				table.insert (cats, table.concat ({'[[Category:Articles with ', lang, '-language sources (', args[i], ')]]'}));
	local result = {'<span class="languageicon">('};							-- opening span and (
	table.insert (result, 'yes' == args['cap'] and 'In ' or 'in ');				-- add capitalized or uncapitalized 'in'
	table.insert (result, mw.text.listToText (list, ', ', (2 < #list) and ', and ' or ' and ' ));	-- and concatenate the language list

	table.insert (result, ')</span>');											-- add closing ) and closing span
	table.insert (result, table.concat (cats));									-- add categories
	return table.concat (result);												-- make a big string and done

--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------

return {
	in_lang = in_lang,
	set_italics = set_italics,