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The text of this module comes from the old CfD process tags. History can be found under the history of Template:Cfr, up to the end of 2009.
It should be invoked from a template, which is called with the following parameters:
- First unnamed parameter: the first letter of the type: delete, listify, merge, or rename
- Optional parameters for the target (not available for delete): target for the first, target2 for the second, target3 for the third. Only Merge supports more than one.
- Optional parameter for section - otherwise, the name of the category is used for the section.
- Parameters named day, month and year for the date on which the discussion can be found
External links[edit source]
- Module:Cfd at Wikipedia, the free Terran-based encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
local p = {};
p.all = function(frame)
local text = "'''This category is being considered for "
local type = frame.args[1]
local targetText = ""
local action, target
if type == "d" then
action = frame.args.action
if not (action and #action > 0) then
action = "deletion"
text = text .. action;
elseif type == "r" then
text = text .. "renaming to "
target = frame.args["target"]
if (target == nil or target == "") then
text = text .. "some other name"
targetText = "[[:Category:" .. target .. "]]"
text = text .. targetText
elseif type == "m" then
text = text .. "merging into "
target = frame.args["target"]
if (target == nil or target == "") then
text = text .. "some other category"
targetText = "[[:Category:" .. target .. "]]"
local target2 = frame.args["target2"]
if target2 then
local target3 = frame.args["target3"]
if target3 then
targetText = targetText .. ", [[:Category:" .. target2 .. "]] and [[:Category:" .. target3 .. "]]"
targetText = targetText .. " and [[:Category:" .. target2 .. "]]"
text = text .. targetText
elseif type == "l" then
text = text .. "conversion into a list";
target = frame.args["target"]
if not (target == nil or target == "") then
targetText = "[[" .. target .. "]]"
text = text .. " named " .. targetText
text = text .. ".'''"
local section = frame.args["section"]
if not (section == "") then
text = text .. " This nomination is part of a discussion of several related categories."
text = text .. "<br/>''This does '''not''' mean that any of the pages in the category will be deleted.'' They may, however, be recategorized.<br/>"
local year = frame.args["year"]
local month = frame.args["month"]
local day = frame.args["day"]
local discussionPlace = "Starfleet Logistics:Categories for discussion/Log/" .. year .. " " .. month .. " " .. day .. "#"
if section == "" then
discussionPlace = discussionPlace .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
discussionPlace = discussionPlace .. section
text = text .. "Please share your thoughts on the matter at '''[[" .. discussionPlace .. "|this category's entry]]''' on the [[Starfleet Logistics:Categories for discussion|Categories for discussion]] page. Please do not empty the category or remove this notice while the discussion is in progress.<br/>"
local discussionpage = "Categories for discussion/Log/" .."%Y %B %e")
text = text .. "<small>" .. frame:expandTemplate{title="strong",args={"[" .. mw.title.makeTitle(4,discussionpage):fullUrl() .. "?action=edit§ion=2 Add entry]"}} .. ": {{subst:cf" .. type .. "2|" .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text
if target then
text = text .. "|" .. target
text = text .. "|header="
if not (section == "") then
text = text .. section
text = text .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText
text = text .. "|text=Your reason(s) for the proposed "
if type == "d" then
text = text .. action
elseif type == "m" then
text = text .. "merger"
elseif type == "l" then
text = text .. "conversion"
elseif type == "r" then
text = text .. "rename"
text = text .. ". ~~~~}}</small>"
local adminMsg
if type == "r" then
adminMsg = "[" .. mw.uri.encode(mw.title.getCurrentTitle().prefixedText) ..
"&wpReason=" .. mw.uri.encode("[[" .. discussionPlace .. "]]") .. "&wpNewTitle=" .. mw.uri.encode("Category:" .. target) .. " Click here to rename]."
adminMsg = "If this category is empty, "
adminMsg = adminMsg .. "and all [[Special:WhatLinksHere/" .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle().fullText .. "|incoming links]] have been cleaned up,"
reason = "[[" .. discussionPlace .. "]]"
if type == "d" then
reason = "This category has been deleted per the discussion at " .. reason
elseif type == "m" then
if targetText == "" then
reason = "Merged per " .. reason
reason = "Merged into " .. targetText .. " per " .. reason
elseif type == "l" then
if targetText == "" then
reason = "Listified per " .. reason
reason = "Listified into " .. targetText .. " per " .. reason
adminMsg = adminMsg .. " [" .. mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl() .. "?action=delete&wpReason="
.. mw.uri.encode(reason)
adminMsg = adminMsg .. " click here to delete]."
adminMsg = adminMsg .. '<span id="delete-reason" style="display:none">'
adminMsg = adminMsg .. mw.uri.encode("[[" .. discussionPlace .. "]]")
adminMsg = adminMsg .. '</span><span id="delete-criterion" style="display:none"> </span>'
text = text .. '<span class="sysop-show"><small><br /><br />' .. "'''Administrators''': " .. adminMsg .. "</small></span>"
local category = ""
if mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace == 14 then
category = "[[Category:Categories for "
if type == "d" then
category = category .. "deletion"
elseif type == "m" then
category = category .. "merging"
elseif type == "l" then
category = category .. "listifying"
elseif type == "r" then
category = category .. "renaming"
category = category .. "]][[Category:All categories for discussion]]"
category = category .. frame:expandTemplate{title="DMC",args={"Categories for discussion","from",month .. " " .. year}}
return frame:expandTemplate{title="Cmbox",args={type="delete",image="none",text=text}} .. category
return p;