Template:Sidebar staff

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Template documentation[view] [edit] [history] [purge]

Usage[edit source]

{{Sidebar actor
| Name              = Person's name
| image             = Image of person
| imagecap          = Optional image caption for mouseover
| Birth name        = Real name of person
| Gender            = Person's gender
| Date of birth     = When the person was born
| Place of birth    = Where the person was born
| Date of death     = When the person died
| Place of death    = Where the person died
| Awards for Trek   = Academy & Emmy Awards and nominations
| Roles             = Occupations performed for Trek (if more than acting)
| Characters        = Characters portrayed (if any)
| in-jokes          = Related in-jokes (if any)
| image2            = Second image of person
| imagecap2         = Caption of above image
| image3            = Third image of person
| imagecap3         = Caption of above image

Example[edit source]

Real-World This article has a real-world perspective! Click here for more information
Sidebar staff
Jeffrey Combs.jpg
Personal Information
Date of Birth9 September 1954
Place of BirthOxnard, California
CharactersBrunt, Weyoun, Shran, Tiron, Kevin Mulkahey, Penk, Krem, a holosuite guest
{{Sidebar actor
| Name              = Jeffrey Combs
| image             = Jeffrey Combs.jpg
| Birth name        = Jeffrey Alan Combs
| gender            = Male
| date of birth     = {{datelink|9|September|1954}}
| place of birth    = Oxnard, California
| date of death     = 
| place of death    = 
| awards for Trek   = 
| roles             = 
| characters        = [[Brunt]], [[Weyoun]], [[Thy'lek Shran|Shran]], [[Tiron]], [[Kevin Mulkahey]], [[Penk]], [[Krem]], a [[Bashir 62 farewell holograms 001|holosuite guest]]
| image2            = 

Note: This template is a modified version that combines elements for the {{Infobox}} and {{Sidebar}} templates, and that of the Memory Alpha wiki version of the Sidebar template.

External links[edit source]